(USA title; 1965; USSR; NR; 79m)
a.k.a. MOROZKO (original/USSR)
a.k.a. FROST
Plot: Oppressed by her mean stepmother, a girl falls in love with a
guy, whose head is turned into a bear's head and who must perform
a good deed to return to normal.
Dir: Aleksandr Rou (The Magic Weaver)
Scr: Mikhail Volpin (Volga, Volga)
Scr: Nikolay Erdman
Cin: Dmitriy Surenskiy (The Magic Weaver)
Ed: A. Ovcharova
ADir: Arseniy Klopotovskiy (sfx/Magic Weaver)
Animal Trainer: G. Alekseyev
Animal Trainer: M. Simonov
Sound: Anatoli Dikan (Devotion to Mother)
Lyrics: Mikhail Volpin
Score: Nikolay Budashkin (Bride With A Dowry)
Jack Frost / Aleksandr Khvylya (The Magic Weaver; The Duel)
Nastya a.k.a. Nastenka / Natasha Sedykh (Don Quixote's Children)
Ivan a.k.a. Ivanushka / Eduard Izotov (Hold on to the Clouds)
Marfushka / Inna Churikova (Tema; Tridtsat Tri)
father / Pavel Pavlenko (Summer Is Over)
stepmother / Vera Altajskaya (The Magic Weaver)
witch a.k.a. the hunchback fairy a.k.a. Baba Yaga / Georgiy Millyar
(422-The Day the Earth Froze; The Magic Weaver)
old mushroom / Mikhail Yanshin (The Czar Wants to Sleep)
another old mushroom / Galina Borisova
(The Passion According to Vladimir)
bandit chieftain / Anatoli Kubatsky (The Magic Weaver)
eligible bachelor / Valentin Bryleyev (422; The Magic Weaver)
bachelor's mother / Tatyana Pelttser (Tiger Girl)
matchmaker / Tatyana Barysheva (Welcome Kostya!)
old woman / Varvara Popova (A Bad Joke)
Ivan's mother / Margarita Korabelnikova (Adventures of Buratino)
storyteller (Russian version) / Anastasiya Zuyeva (Resurrection)
with Z. Vorkul (Carnival)
D. Bakhtin (The Kingdom of Dark Mirrors)
V. Zhukovskiy
Natalya Zorina (Don Quixote's Children)
Klavdiya Kozlenkova (Lullaby)
A. Mukhin
V. Petrova (Don't Leave Your Lovers)
O. Peshkov (The Kingdom of Dark Mirrors)
Lev Potyomkin (Officers)
Andrei Stapran (The Kingdom of Dark Mirrors)
K. Starostin (The Magic Weaver)
Aleksandr Timontayev (On His Own; The Gordeyev Family)
T. Kharchenko
Yuri Chekulayev (A Night Before Christmas; War and Peace)
A. Chumina (An Easy Life)
M. Shcherbakov (The Magic Weaver)
Olya Yukina (The Kingdom of Dark Mirrors)
Tatyana Yukina (The Kingdom of Dark Mirrors)
Classic Line: "Oh, don't be angry, hunchback fairy!"
Trivia: If you liked 422-THE DAY THE EARTH FROZE; 505-THE
MAGIC VOYAGE OF SINBAD; and 617-THE SWORD AND THE DRAGON, you'll probably also like
JACK FROST, another beautifully-filmed, big-budget, Russian-produced movie, the plot of which is somewhat
similar to Cinderella.
Last Updated: 6/10/1999
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