519 - OUTLAW
(1989; 1986; South Africa; PG-13; 89m)
a.k.a. OUTLAW OF GOR (original)
a.k.a. THE OUTLAW (variation)
sequel to GOR (1987)
Ad: "Welcomed as a hero. Hunted like an outlaw."
Ad: "The Adventure of a Thousand Lifetimes Continues!"
Plot: Two beer-drinking guys time travel to a planet where an evil queen rules via slavery.
Prod: Avi Lerner (Gor; exec/516-Alien From L.A.)
Prod: Harry Alan Towers
(Gor; 323-Castle of Fu Manchu; K18-Million Eyes of Su-Muru)
Dir: John "Bud" Cardos (Mutant; Kingdom of the Spiders)
Asst Dir: Neal Sundstrom (Scavengers; dir/Howling V)
Scr: Peter Welbeck a.k.a. Harry Alan Towers (323/K18)
Scr: Rick Marx (Gor; Double Obsession)
Sto: John Norman*
Cin: Johan Van De Vyfer (Scavengers; Hostage)
Cin: Ken Bornstein (ed/Gor; Beastmaster III)
Ed: Mac Errington (Skeleton Coast; Never Say Die)
SFX: Noel Henry (Howling IV)
SFX: Calvin Wilson
Cos: Dianna Cillers (Paljas; Cyborg Cop II)
M/U: Debbi Nichol (820-Space Mutiny)
ADir: Geoffrey Hill (820; Hostage)
Set: Cecily Chase (Orion's Key)
Sound: Conrad Kuhne (Paljas)
Stunt Coor: Red Ruiters (Hostage; Howling IV)
Chor: Neil McKay
Xenos / Jack Palance*
Professor Tarl Cabot / Urbano Barberini (Gor; Demons)
Talena / Rebecca Ferrati (Gor; Cheerleader Camp)
Queen Lara / Donna Denton (Gor; Slaughterhouse Rock)
Watney Smith / Russel Savadier (516; Danger Zone)
midget Hup / Nigel Chipps
Elder / Alex Heyns (Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold)
Marlenus / Larry Taylor (Gor)
Ost / Tulio Monetta
Targus / Michael Brunner (Night of the Cyclone; The Power of One)
Vera / Michelle Clarke
Alicia / Christobel D'Ortez (Masque of the Red Death)
Lady Tima / Natasha Piotrowski
leather lady / Nicole De Gruchy
barbarian women / Martina Brockschmidt, Bibi Brockschmidt
Bosk / Neville Alpass (Out on Bail)
Kor / Philip Van De Byl (Out on Bail)
blonde co-ed / Zinta Kohle
trader from Ar / Andrew Donald (Skeleton Coast)
Trivia: Born Walter Jack Palahnuik in 1920, gruff actor JACK PALANCE has a fighter's face because
he use to be a professional boxer. More facial alterations happened when a bomber, which he was piloting in WWII,
crashed, and he had extensive facial plastic surgery to repair damage done by burns...adding to the rugged look
we know and are so fond of today. For his great film performances, Palance was nominated twice for an Oscar, for
1952's Sudden Fear and 1953's Shane, before he finally won for 1991's City Slickers, a Western-comedy-adventure
starring Billy Crystal (than whom he craps bigger per his joke at the Oscar ceremony). His other films include:
1950-Panic in the Streets; 1954-Sign of the Pagan; 1955-The Big Knife; 1962-Barabbas;
1967-The Professionals; 1978-Angels' Brigade a.k.a. 622-ANGELS REVENGE;
1987-Gor; 1988-OUTLAW OF GOR; Bagdad Cafe; 1989-Batman (starring Michael Keaton); and
1994-The Swan Princess (animated). Palance won an Emmy for his moving performance in Rod Serling's Requiem
for a Heavyweight (1955), which aired as part of CBS' Playhouse 90. You may also remember him appearing
on TV, hosting Ripley's Believe It or Not.
Writer and philosophy teacher John Frederick Lange, Jr. used the pseudonym JOHN NORMAN, when he penned
the sci-fi novels which depicted the adventures on the planet Gor. There are at least ten in the series: 1966's
Tarnsman of Gor; 1967's OUTLAW OF GOR; 1968's Priest-Kings of Gor; 1969-Nomads of Gor;
1970's Assassin of Gor; 1971's Raiders of Gor; 1972's Captive of Gor; 1974's Hunters of
Gor; 1976's Tribesmen of Gor; and 1977's Slave Girl of Gor.
Last Updated: 6/25/1999
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