(1975; R; 97m)
Ad: "Murder...Cops...and Corruption"
Plot: Slob-cop deals with high-class crooks, tails a drug dealer,
investigates a shooting, and arrests a prostitute after using her.
Exec: Benjamin Melniker
(Batman; Batman Returns; Batman Forever)
Prod: R. Ben Efraim
(Private Lessons; Private School)
Assoc Prod: H.T. Morrison Jr.
Dir: Andrew V. McLaglen (McLintock; Chisum)
Scr: Ian Kennedy Martin (Sweeney)
Cin: Harry Stradling Jr.
(Oscar nom/1776; The Way We Were)
Ed: Fred A. Chulack (Private Lessons I and II)
SFX: Chuck Gaspar (Oscar nom/Ghostbusters)
M/U: Dave Grayson (Chisum; The War Wagon)
Cos: Glenn Wright (Sudden Impact; Magnum Force)
Asst Dir: Jerry Ziesmer (Jerry Maguire; Annie)
Asst Dir: Anthony Brand (Needful Things; City Slickers)
PMgr: Maurie M. Suess (psup/The Blue Gardenia)
Set: Fred Price (Cool Hand Luke; TV's The Night Stalker)
Sound Ed: George Fredrick (Beaches; The Blues Brothers)
Sound Mixer: Herman Lewis
(315-Teenage Caveman; 317-Viking Women and the Sea Serpent;
701-Night of the Blood Beast; Oscar noms/Towering Inferno, etc.)
Score: Larry Brown (Rio Diablo)
Score: Jerry Styner (202-The Side Hackers; Devil's Angels)
Song by Hoyt Axton: Mitchell Theme Song
Mitchell / Joe Don Baker*
Walter Deaney / John Saxon*
James Arthur Cummins / Martin Balsam*
Greta / Linda Evans (TV's Big Valley; Dynasty)
Benton / Merlin Olsen (TV's Little House on the Prairie)
Tony Gallano / Harold J. Stone (X-The Man with the X-Ray Eyes)
Salvatore Mistretta / Morgan Paull (Patton; Blade Runner)
Chief Albert Pallin / Robert Phillips (Cat Ballou; The Dirty Dozen)
Det. Aldridge / Buck Young (305-Stranded in Space; Death Wish II)
Det. Tyzack / Rayford Barnes (517-Beginning of the End)
Don Townsend / Bill Sullivan (Moonlighting Wives)
Edmondo Bocca / Duffy Hambleton (Jackson County Jail)
Helena Jackman / Vicky Peters
Prudence Lang / Carole Estes
Rudy Moran / Sidney Clute (Crime and Punishment; Cry of Battle)
Sergeant O'Hagen / Jim B. Smith (614-San Francisco International)
rich lady / Lilyan MacBride (Superchick)
alley hood / Phil Altman (Night Moves)
alley hood / Dick Ziker (Heroes; White Lightning)
Bel Air patrolman / Tom Lawrence (Fuzz; Wargames)
burglar / John Ashby (J.W. Coop; Under Fire)
child / Todd Bass
customs officer / Robin Narke (The Pack)
desk sergeant / Jerry Hardin (Reds; Cujo; TV's The X-Files)
helicopter officer / Gary M. Combs (Star Trek II; Body Heat)
helicopter pilot / Charles Tamburro (Nickelodeon; Scarface)
Mistretta hood / Gary McLarty (Rooster Cogburn; Animal House)
Mistretta hood / Paul Nuckles (stunts/The Thing with Two Heads)
Mistretta hood / Bob Orrison (Sunburn; Culpepper Cattle Company)
Mustang hood / Alan Gibbs (Savage Seven; stunts/K19-Hangar 18)
Officer Danziger / Charles Glover
sergeant / Stan Stone
Trivia: Born in Texas in 1936, JOE DON BAKER's screen debut
was a cameo appearance in 1967's Cool Hand Luke. In 1973, he achieved
fame with the lead role in Walking Tall, although he did not appear
in its two sequels. Recently you saw him almost everywhere...in Congo,
Reality Bites, Martin Scorsese's Cape Fear; and Tim Burton's
Mars Attacks! His other films include: Junior Bonner; Charley
Varrick; The Natural; Fletch; The Living Daylights;
Tomorrow Never Dies; and 1008-FINAL JUSTICE. Baker was reportedly so upset over the MSTed
version of MITCHELL that he vowed publicly that if he ever met any
of the Brains, he'd "kick their asses."
Actor MARTIN BALSAM (1919-1997) appeared in several great films:
1954's On the Waterfront; 1957's Twelve Angry Men; 1960's Psycho;
1970's Little Big Man; 1974's Murder On The Orient Express;
and 1965's A Thousand Clowns, for which he won an Oscar. Interestingly,
Balsam could have become even more famous for a role which he turned down:
the voice of the computer HAL in Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey.
He was married to actress Joyce Van Patten, and their daughter Talia has
had some success in films and television.
Born Carmen Orrico in 1935, JOHN SAXON was a model before becoming
a movie teen heartthrob in the 1950's. In addition to his many television
appearances, his films include: 1955-Running Wild (debut); 1958-The
Reluctant Debutante (with Sandra Dee); Summer Love; 1960-The
Plunderers; 1962-War Hunt (with Robert Redford); 1963-The
Cardinal; 1969-Death of a Gunfighter; 1973-Enter the Dragon;
1975-MITCHELL; 1977-Moonshine County Express; 1978-The
Bees; 1979-The Electric Horseman (with Redford and Jane Fonda);
1981-Blood Beach; and 1984-A Nightmare on Elm Street. Amazingly,
Saxon again is modeling. You can see him in a Revlon commercial also featuring
Cindy Crawford.
Last Updated: 6/25/1999
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