1004 - FUTURE WAR (1995; 1994; NR; 82m)
Ad: "Past Predator, Present Alien, Future Terminator!"
Plot: In modern day Earth, a runaway slave seeks refuge from a
cyborg bounty hunter and his scent-tracking little dinosaurs.
Exec/Sto: David Hue a.k.a. Huey (Bikini Hotel)
Exec: K.Y. Lim (American Streetfighter 1 & 2)
Prod/2nd Unit Dir/Ed/Sound Des/Sound Mix/
Post-Prod Sup: Dave Eddy*
Dir/SFX: Anthony Doublin
(sfx/Bride of the Re-Animator; Beastmaster III)
Scr/Sto: Dom Magwilli (scr/Bikini Hotel)
Cin: Cory Geryak (asst cin/Pumpkinhead II)
Cin: Robert Truitt
Cin: Ed Tillman (Bikini Hotel; also actor)
SFX Cin: Dave Swett (cin/Capital Punishment)
SFX model: Bill Hawk (Digital Man; also actor)
SFX model: Dave Kann (asst props/Just Write; also actor)
Puppeteer: Cary Howe (Scared to Death)
Puppeteers: Dan Kaplan, Michael F. Jones and Dave Buscemi
Puppeteer: Johnnie Saiko (actor/Hell Comes to Frogtown)
Cos: Heather "Heaven" Koontz
M/U: Heather "Heaven" Koontz (Sawbones; Playing Dangerous 2)
PDes: Romeo Herrera (actor/Pocket Ninjas)
Set: none credited (though the boxes were Faaabulousss!)
Sound Rec: Vanessa Morehouse (asst cam/Shadow Warriors)
Score: Arlan H. Boll (Pocket Ninjas; American Streetfighter)
Stunts Coor: Pete Porteous (also actor)
Fight Consultant: Master Hee Il Cho
Fight Chor: Daniel Bernhardt (also actor)
Damage Control Unit: David Hue, Dave Eddy, Paul E. Jackson,
and Ed Tillman
runaway / Daniel Bernhardt (TV's Mortal Kombat; Bloodsport 2-3)
cyborg master / Robert Z'Dar (*1001-Soultaker; Maniac Cop 1-3)
Sister Ann / Travis Brooks Stewart (Bikini Hotel)
cyborg / Kazja (stunts/Pocket Ninjas)
Captain Polaris / Ray Adash
Fred / Andre Skruggs
Romero / David Jacobs (Bikini Hotel; Cellblock Sisters)
Oscar / Al Juliano (True Love; Vice Academy 4)
Max / Matthew Sakimoto (TV's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
Mike / Arthur Cruz (The Big Bang Theory)
Dr. Tanaka / Joanne Takahashi (The Late Shift)
medical examiner / Mary Shelton
Chadwick / Tracy Robertson
Cameron / Tom Richards (Breaking Loose)
park victim / *Forrest J. Ackerman
Otis / Mel Novak (Pocket Ninjas; Exit to Eden)
Maggie Martin / Maureen Byrnes (Sugar Cookies)
bum / Glenn Hoeffner (Yup...A Modern Day Caped Crusader)
Tester / Betsy Muniz
newscaster / Jeff Frey a.k.a. Fabian Lloyd (prod/dir/Bikini Hotel)
victim on beach / Steven A. Milling
truck driver / Pete Porteous (K10-Cosmic Princess; Octopussy)
girl in photo / Angela Cornell (College Girls)
priest / Arnie Starkey
soccer player / Eder Salcedo (Bikini Hotel)
soccer player / Damian Salcedo (prod asst/Bikini Hotel)
SWAT team Joey / Patrick Wait (American Streetfighter)
SWAT team Floyd / Dave Kann (also sfx)
SWAT team Joey / Patrick Wait (American Streetfighter)
FBI Agent Montague / Phillip Orr
FBI Agent Gerry / Kent Card
warehouse worker Leo / Dwight Lay (cin/Pocket Ninjas)
warehouse worker Bob / Cliff Bernhardt (Bloodsport 2)
warehouse worker Sam / Luis Espanoza
police officer / Melissa Anne Acosta (The Perez Family)
police officer / Don Binkley
police officer / Bill Hawk (also sfx)
police officer / Adam Rocke
police officer / Dolph Scott
police officer / Ed Tillman (Bikini Hotel; also cin)
Mike's gang member / Ax'nt
Mike's gang member / Melissa Anne Acosta (again?!)
Mike's gang member / Gwendolyn Lindsey
Mike's gang member / Jacci Lindsey
Mike's gang member / Robert Zelinkis
police station extra / Erin Harvey (also key grip)
police station extra / Brian McMurray
police station extra / Cliff Bernhardt (again?!)
Classic Line: "I have a job, too...I'm a tool."
Trivia: Filmmaker DAVE EDDY was gracious to share some
insights about the making of FUTURE WAR. In an amazing coincidence
while this cheapie was being filmed, he and some of the crew remarked that
it would be great if some day their movie would show up on MST3000!
Eddy said that the Damage Control Unit was formed when it became
apparent that the original director (TONY DOUBLIN, who quit) was having
trouble filming the fight and action scenes to the producers' satisfaction.
The DCU took over and tried to salvage the movie as best they could.
Eddy has mostly worked as the post-production supervisor for other
filmmakers. He did produce and direct 1993's Pocket Ninjas. In 1996,
Eddy and cinematographer ED TILLMAN won a Telly Award (for non-broadcast
instructional film for children) for Tao of Karate.
Want to see more fun FUTURE WAR graphics?
Check out the
Screen Pix Home Video website.
Writer, editor, agent, movie fan...Hollywood character FORREST J. ACKERMAN is seen in this movie plugging
the magazine "Famous Monsters of Filmland," of which he was editor for many years. He currently has a
lawsuit against the magazine's owners/editors, because of his firing and their insistence that many of the terms
(like Dr. Acula) are now their property, not his. In fact, Ackerman is credited for coining the term "sci-fi"
when referring to science-fiction.
Born in 1916, Ackerman is best known for his collection of sci-fi, horror and fantasy memorabilia, reputed to
be the world's largest at 300,000 pieces. You can view some of it via his CD-ROM's or by going on a free tour at
his home.
Ackerman's first movie credit was the spaceship string-puller in 1955's The Beast with a Million Eyes.
He's appeared in over 25 movies including: 1964's The Time Travelers; 1966's Queen of Blood; 1971's
Schlock and Dracula Vs. Frankenstein; 1981's The Howling; 1987's Evil Spawn and Amazon
Women on the Moon; 1988's Curse of the Queerwolf; 1991's Nudist Colony of the Dead; and 1995's
Bikini Drive-In.
Visit Forry, as he's affectionately called, at his website Forrest J.
Ackerman's Wild Webbed World.
Last Updated: 3/28/1999
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