Episode 804- The
Deadly Mantis
Summary: This is one of those
movies that is archetypal for our show: an insect grows to
Brobdingnagian proportions because of nuclear or atomic
radiation. William Hopper (AKA Paul Drake from
Perry Mason) is a noted entomologist sent to an army base
at the North Pole to investigate. He brings along his
photographer lady friend, she falls in love with the guy in
charge of the army base, and they all get attacked by said
giant--and deadly--mantis. For some reason, when insects get
enormous, they also have some sort of vendetta against
humans. We have yet to do a movie in which a giant insect is
giant and lives peacefully side by side with humans. Sure,
there might be some friction over a gardening implement
borrowed and not returned but they work it out. Or at least
a giant anything who just minds his own business and doesn't
get in anyone's way. Anyhoo, the deadly--and giant--mantis
gets trapped in a tunnel in New York and is killed. Guy and
Gal are in love; Gal gives up her silly career to be Mrs.
Guy. And Bridget and I agree that Paul Drake is fine!
Prologue: Its casual day on the SOL. Crow and Mike
refuse to participate. The high strung Servo gets upset.
Segment One:
Some neighborly mutants drop
by Ape World to drop off a bomb for Bobo, Peanut and Pearl.
There's some trouble getting it to detonate so Mike helps
them out. All assumed dead.
Segment Two: Mike and the 'Bots conduct a rather brief and
empty memorial service for Pearl. Suddenly Pearl shows up -
with Bobo in involuntary tow - and is in mad pursuit of the
Segment Three: Mike, Crow, Servo and Gypsy drive long hours
into the dark night of space, trying escape Pearl. The only
thing they can get on their radio are AM country stations.
Segment Four: Servo drives for a spell, hits a creature,
brings it on the SOL to revive it, and it eats Crow in a
demonstration of affection.
Segment Five:
Crow makes a meat loaf. The
gang receives a letter from Peanut, who is alive after all,
and doing quite well in Wisconsin. Pearl, with her unwitting
accomplice Bobo, remains in hot pursuit of Mike and The
'Bots. Bobo wants to stop for sweet corn.
Reflections: In host segment five, Kevin, playing Bobo, and
I had to switch places when I allow him to drive. I have a
problem laughing during takes in the first place, and this
was a really difficult scene. The cab of the VW is small in
the first place, and I'm not, so it really cracked me up to
be trying to switch places with this gorilla! For that day I
learned to forgo the notion of personal space. -- Mary Jo