Movie: (1967) A burned-out British pop star is sent to remote Seagull Island to rest her nerves, unaware that two rival bee keepers live there.
First shown: 5/9/98
Opening: Previously on the Satellite of Love…
Intro: The Observers are back…and they’re pissed
Host segment 1: Crow offers a sonnet to the cigarette hag in the movie
Host segment 2: Pearl, Bobo and Observer perform the “Please Stay” operetta
Host segment 3: Mike communicates like a bee
End: The Observers have it out and Brain Guy is victorious
Stinger: “The dog’s meat! Have you seen it?”
• Well, SOMEthing had to follow the brilliance of last week, and it was going to pale by comparison, but I think this episode holds its own pretty well. The British movies are not always my favorites, but this one is just silly enough to hold my attention. The riffing is very good and there’s a nice little running story in the host segments. All in all, lots of fun.
• Paul’s observations about this episode are here.
• References.
• This episode is not on DVD, and, according to Shout, may never be. And because of that, I’m going to leave in all the little Sci-Fi Channel details that were in my taped copy (which I have been removing for episodes officially released on DVD and not containing all that stuff). For example…
• This week’s door sequence sponsor: Head & Shoulders.
• I forget where, now, (maybe somebody can remind me) but I recall that Mike, in some public setting, named the “Previously…” sketch in the opening as a personal favorite. I like it lot too, particularly Crow’s use of the word “skel,” which I only ever heard on “NYPD Blue.”
• This ep marks the first time we have heard Magic Voice since episode 809- I WAS A TEENAGE WEREWOLF. (It’s {deadly} Beez, natch.)
• And in this episode we get the return of the Observers (Mike and Paul), who are none too pleased to see what’s become of Brain Guy. Mary Jo is particularly funny in the intro sketch.
• Naughty riff: “Catherine? Oh, it’s you…”
• The VW logo is in the corner of the spaghetti ball bumper, the first time I recall Sci-Fi doing that. Later we get a second door sequence sponsor: also VW. I believe this is the first episode that had two in one show.
• Segment 1, featuring the sonnet to the cigarette hag, is a marvel. Quick, funny, well-written, everything works.
• I like the “Please Stay” operetta (which was written by Mike, by the way). My only problem is that piano is a little loud. I can’t quite make out some of the lyrics.
• This week’s annoying commercial: many many ads for Propecia, which make very non-specific promises to grow your hair back, and then makes some very specific and scary warnings about side-effects. (And by the way, between ads for Head & Shoulders and Propecia, what the heck is going on with MSTies’ hair?)
• Segment 3 is one of those “long walk to a kind of cute idea” segments, but it’s harmless.
• Of course that’s Jim as the bowler-hatted man, the first time he’s been on camera since he was an ape in Deep Ape early in season 8.
• And I’m not quite sure why the bowler-hatted man’s appearance in the movie puzzles M&tB so much. It’s only baffling if you haven’t been paying attention. He’s that guy from the beginning of the movie who was dispatched to look into whoever was sending threatening letters to the government. I assume his appearance at the end is a little jab at British bureaucracy: The whole thing is over and dealt with, and he finally arrives to look into things. Not hilarious, but not really baffling either.
• Behind the scenes: It was April 30, 1998, just before this episode debuted, that it was announced that Sci-Fi Channel was not picking up the “back nine,” (that’s TV industry lingo for the nine episodes the channel had an option to order, or not order, in addition to the 13 episodes it had already ordered, for season nine). Fans reacted glumly. Many saw the writing on the wall.
• Cast and Crew Roundup: Producer Max J. Rosenberg also worked on “The Incredible Melting Man.” In front of the camera, Michael Ripper was also in “Moon Zero Two.”
• CreditsWatch: Directed by Mike. Formerly an intern, Dan Breyer, becomes a grip and continues as one for the rest of the series. Intern Brian Bull worked this episode and then departed.
• Fave riff: “Objection! Stupid hat!” Honorable mention: “Frankly, to me, any bra is a Wonder Bra.”
“If she really wants to get rid of those bees, she oughta strip down and hop in the shower. I’m not saying that out of any prurient interest; it’s just good advice.”
Yeah, what was THAT scene about, anyway?
YES, Vicki, a bathroom. Surely you’ve heard tell of them…
I wonder what book club selection came after How to Kill That Spark of Life, Chapter One: Joy: Who Needs It?
Some women could make that look work quite well…
Maybe it’s a particularly good environment for beekeeping. Really, they could have outright stated that in the film and how many viewers would know if they were telling the truth or not? ;-)
I formerly thought that Amando de Ossorio’s “Tombs of the Blind Dead” horror film series was set on “Seagull Island” but I now realize that I somehow misapprehended that idea from the fact that the fourth such film is entitled “Night of the Seagulls.” Shrug.
It’s Not A Comic Book, It’s A FUMETTO.
Which is admittedly in effect just another word for “comic book.” :-)
And since bras ARE in fact objects, it works out great. :-)
And then you can make fun of the British cows…
Even more than the Agent for HARM guy?
Well, there’s so much crap going on in the world (no matter when you’re reading this) and I suppose it has to come from SOMEWHERE…
Regardless of how you feel about Medved the Elder and his politics, Joel has stated that the Golden Turkey Awards was a significant inspiration for MST3K.
This riff reminds me of the kind of mind-boggling fact that there are people in the film industry whose job is to supply and “wrangle” insects. For example, all those roaches in “Joe’s Apartment”? There were people IN CHARGE of them (did they name every roach? probably not). They had to bring the bugs there and feed them and take care of them throughout the whole production. Their job description is “roach wrangler.”
All sorts of out-of-the-way corners in the film industry if you stop to think about it, and any number of anecdotes about a lot of them probably all end the same way:
“What?! And leave SHOW BUSINESS?!”
From the IMDB’s entry on Hannibal (2001), another corner of the film industry:
“The five-hundred-pound man-eating hogs featured in this movie were selected by Ridley Scott from an audition of over six thousand other hogs.”
The…the images. Make them…stop…
“They named every bee? This is going to take forever…”
That riff gets sort of re-used at the start of CT’s Wasp Woman
I love it, that’s hilarious!
This episode is one of only two that I’ve never seen (not counting the KTMAs). Every now and then I check YouTube to see if it’s been uploaded, but no luck so far.