We don’t have details, but there are confirmed reports that Ian Fraser Kilmister, known to the world as Lemmy, founding member and frontman of the band Motörhead, has died, apparently today, Dec. 28. He was 70.
MSTies will recall that the Motörhead song “Ace of Spades” was featured in the movie in episode 604- ZOMBIE NIGHTMARE. His death follows hard on the heels of the passing of Motörhead drummer Phil “Philthy Animal” Taylor, who died in November.
Thanks to Timmy for the heads up.
You win some, you lose some
wasn’t Ace of Spades in SoulTaker also?
Lemmy was a rock icon. Not saying he should be everyone’s role model, but sometimes rock and roll just needs to be rock and roll and no one rocked harder. He lived the life longer than anyone thought was possible. RIP Lemmy.
Very saddened by this news. Rest in peace, Lemmy…\m/
Lemmy had one big song, he did it well (remember when he guested on “The Young Ones”?) Hey, that’s exactly one more international thirty-five-year hit than I’VE had. Rock on, Ian.
I’m afraid that I’ve never heard of him.
Farewell to MST’s resident headbanger. You can’t escape the Iron Fist.
My first concert was Motorhead at the Poole Arts Centre in 1978. Sat on the edge of the stage looking up at lemmy. Bless you headbanger.
“Everything louder than everything else”
God speed, brother Lemmy
Motörhead – Killed By Death
RIP, Lemmy. You were one of the most influential Metal icons.
Yahoo is reporting the band is calling it quits 1 day after the announcement of Lemmy’s death.
Oh well.. can’t think of Ace of Spades without thinking of The Young Ones and MST3K. Just a fact.
I hope Lemmy DOES NOT rest in peace! (in the spirit of his life, I think that was the right thing to say…) turn it UP
So sad. Another great rock front man gone. So few left. RIP
That’s quite alright.
He never heard of YOU.
Orgasmatron was my first Motorhead album, and remains my favorite. Even had a shirt with the cover art on it.
I’d like to imagine that on some other plane of existence beyond this mortal coil, this conversation is taking place:
Lemmy: “Hey, God. Who’d win in a wrestling match, me or you?”
God: “Trick question, Lemmy. You ARE me!”